My heart pounds in my chest and a smile bubbles up from deep inside.
i feel as if I could very well be in love with someone I've never met.
A child. An orphan. A widow.
Desperation. Resentment. Hurt.
Hope. Desire. Chance.
they are the words I see when looking at pictures of the eyes of children that need love.
need Jesus.
they need someone to teach them that Jesus is real.
so that means i need to be a Jesus with skin on.
to be worthy of such a calling... it is not possible.
I am itching to go now.
to help, to serve, to share, to embrace the hearts of the broken and poor.
i want my feet to be calloused from walking miles to rescue a daughter from slavery.
they are callouses of Christ.
rough edges to remind me of my pursuit to save the lost.
Do I have enough love to share with them all?
love is giving and not getting.
it transcends all.
there is no language for it,
hundreds of definitions exist for the word,
but it is spoken without a sound.
Oh, God. swallow me whole.
if I am in you, I am immersed in an everlasting, never-ending pool of love.
if I have yours, can I ever run out?
it is a resource that everyone needs, but the vain reject.
Make me a cloud of love.
never running dry.
carrying over thousands at a time,
showering them with refreshment.
use me to flood dry land that has been desperately withered by the drought.