**UPDATE**: I have moved my blog to www.kpace.wordpress.com Thanks for understanding! :)

these are just a few thoughts of mine that i try to convey to the best of my ability. some i would like to think profound, while others may be simplistic. either way, i'd like to share my excitement with the world on a megaphone if i could, but for now i only have this blog....

For friends and family, feel free to contact me at kristen.pace7@gmail.com

I would love to hear from you!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Change Blog Location

Hey y'all. Good news/bad news. which do you want first?

Bad news: You have to change your blogroll to my new domain.

Good news: Wordpress layout is WAY better, and I suggest you get one if you're currently using blogger.com

So, all my posts have been transferred over and I'm starting to blog at this site:


Thanks for understanding.

much love,


Monday, November 10, 2008

body aches

Romans 12:3-5, "Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other."

I was thinking about how often we don't commend/praise each other. As Christians, a characteristic that identifies our nature should be an uplifting spirit. We should speak kind words that restore and encourage the body. It's funny... we seem to beat up the body more than we build it up.

Oftentimes, I've found that our jealousy gets the best of us, and causes us to criticize others. Somehow, we justify our actions by calling it constructive or because we are so arrogant to think that we have a right to judge based on our qualifications and abilities.

How can we look at our body and say "Yo leg, you're so ugly. you have scars. you're bruised. you're useless.Yo momma's so fat...." But if our leg was completely severed from the rest of our body, we'd realize just how much we needed it to function to our fullest. It enhances our mobility, our strength, our speed, our balance, and our confidence.

We are self-mutilating the body of Christ. I may sing, but it may not be the ability I excel in the most. My friend, on the other hand, may have a beautiful singing voice, much better than my own. What naturally happens? My flesh turns green with envy and wants to scrutinize her for anything and everything because she has what I want. That, my friends, is coveting. And from the seed of coveting, jealousy grows and then flowers buds of violent, hurting words that slowly kill the body.

Our words can speak life or death. I have recently come to realize that I can't be the best at everything. I've always been the person that can be mediocre at everything. I can pick up sports easily, have decent artistic talent, I comprehend concepts well, but I always wanted to be great at it all. Well, the fact of the matter is, I can't. Dangit.

God backhanded me this morning as I was getting ready and reminded me of this scripture, Romans 12:3-5, which is why I've written this. We can't all be an arm if we're a foot. No matter how much I try to dress myself up as an arm, at the end of the day, I'm a foot and I have to accept it and commend the arm for what she does best. (yes, I said SHE).

Lets figure out what part we were created to be and start taking the initiative to encourage and strengthen other parts of the body rather than wish that we were them. I know it will yield good results. Take the scales of condemnation off of your eyes and start viewing others for the importance that they are to you. Because, although w
e are many parts of one body, we all belong to each other.

Soles 4 Souls

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge

"over 300 million people around the world don’t have shoes and are forced to walk around unsafe and in potentially life-threatening conditions."

What? So today is the official launch of 50000shoes.com. There is a mass blog campaign trying to get the word out about Soles 4 Souls, and this is it.

Who? Soles 4 Souls is a charity-based organization based out of Nashville, Tennessee, and the main goal of this Campaign is to get 50,000 pairs of shoes in 50 days, meaning December 31. The shoe distributions happen all over the world ranging from Guatemala all the way to Uganda.

How Can I Help? You go to the website, donate $5, and BAM two pairs of shoes are bought for someone living without them.

If you don't think that it's worth it, I dare you to walk around with your shoes off one day. You'd never make it one day without blisters, bruises, aches and pains. We're so blessed in America that we have what we call "house-shoes" to keep our feet warm.

So lets join together in this wonderful, wonderful expression of love and generosity and give. You may not be able to go, but you can support the efforts of those that do.

with much love,


Sunday, November 9, 2008

thank you for the beautiful, dead leaves.

John F. Kennedy once said, "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

I was talking to my granddaddy today about gratitude and how it is one of the most unpracticed virtues of today. When I'm at work, if someone says "thank you", and I can tell that they mean it sincerely, it pushes me continue to give everything I have to accomplish the task at my very best. I understand that some people don't care either way if they are thanked or not in the workplace, but I do know that overall, people care if something they have done is appreciated.

Just imagine for a second if leaders graciously thanked each of their workers for what they've done. I'm talking even the toilet-scrubbing janitors at your office or school. If you thanked them, I'm pretty sure they'd start scrubbing with a little more joy. People naturally want to be appreciated, and if we just started to show a little it would not only boost self-confidence but I believe it would honestly develop a love for each other and also put more of a drive behind what we do.

Now, I'm not only talking about the workplace. I'm talking about our relationships also. How much do we compete with each other? How often do we neglect the things most precious to us? I can say "I love Jesus" all day, but if I live without taking time for him, I am speaking empty words, and he may as well be listening to a loop of audio with dead, repetitious "I love yous" on it.

In the last week, I've had more conflict arise between my friends and me, more distance, and more feelings of being unappreciated than ever before. I'm not sure which it's doing... pushing me farther away and closer to Cambodia or making me want to just sulk in the blankets of isolation and abandonment. I'm trying to move past it and not fight it. If it happens, it hurts... a lot... and I generally want to shrivel up and cry in a corner, but I praise God that he cares for me. There is an indescribable love and appreciation from my heavenly father that surpasses any human's ability to show the same. And from all people, it comes from the one whom I should be appreciating more.

I've developed a new gratitude for my Savior. Unfortunately, I forget to thank him for the things he has given me, for our relationship, for his unconditional love and acceptance. I even forget to pray for my food. I want to mean it when I say "thanks for the food, Lord. bless it. and bless this day," rather than just "thanks God," and not acknowledge the weight of the utterance of my words.

So what's the point of all this? Just don't forget to be thankful. We miss out on so much because we're worried about yesterday or tomorrow but we're not living for today. Lets all remember to live out gratitude rather than just speak it. Our words are empty if actions do not follow behind them. I really believe we make words come to life or we put them to death. I definitely don't want the latter. Recognize what you've been given. I'd hate for someone to die and to have regrets of what I didn't do for them. I'd hate to die and have regrets of not being grateful for Christ. Deepen your relationships (spiritually and interpersonally) through gratitude through words AND most importantly actions.

Make Christianity come to life through your gratitude. We are destined to be different, if we look, talk, walk and act like everyone else then disciples seem a little dull to outsiders. Lets give people a reason to take a second look at who we are because of who He has made us to be.


Today, I am thankful for death. Without it, I couldn't enjoy my favorite season: Autumn. Thank you, God, for the beautiful leaves turning from bright shades of green to warm oranges and yellows. Thank you for giving me this same gift every year. I will never be tired of receiving it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

a penny for my thoughts and poems

Scars of past hurt have forced me to succumb to the serenity and solemness of solitude and actually enjoy the pleasantries of its company.

Envisioning that round silver circle of commitment backs me into a corner- gasping for breath and frantically searching for an exit.

I have to get out before I am in too deep, but looking below I realize I can no longer see my toes and the ground is inching its way up towards my ankles.

some how I break away. Not a scratch. Instantaneously I erase the memory and move forward in the direction I believe to be the willful road to destiny....


Is embracing solitude something to feel guilty of?
Has it made me numb to the finger pricks of love?

Somehow fear crept his way into my life and buried himself in a crevice of my heart that is impossible to reach.

He shows his face with the morning sun but when I try to catch him, he disappears, yet I still feel his spirit lingering.

Flailing arms, tongues of fire, hands of healing were once my so-called cure but still, my body remains plagued by this disease of self-doubt, distrust and inner hunger pangs for unfailing love.

I am almost convinced there is no such thing. And no such remedy.

Should I be quarantined for this? Something tells me I have already done such a thing to my very own heart.

Who can satisfy this hunger? Where is the healing that will tend to my needs and extract the bullet that pierced my heart and formed this hole of abandonment?

I cannot find it with mine eyes. My hands cannot contain its existence.

I'm lost. Searching with a map that continues to mislead me in figure eights.

Compass of truth, I must find you.

Until then, I look up to the north- it is the only way I know by heart.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A grey-haired me

A friend of mine sent this to me via text today saying that he felt like he'd be thrown 50 years into into the future watching me dance.

I'll say that I would definitely have to agree with him. Neither menopause or arthritis is gonna keep me from breakin' it down.

I felt that it was worth sharing, so here's the link.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Abstract Art

**This is something I found that I had written during my trip to Cambodia. I wrote a lot. Some I will share, some I won't. But this is one that I will. :)**

"There is nothing simple about creation. There are only simple minds that lack the appreciation and ability to acknowledge God manifesting his glory through sunsets and waterfalls."

Why does it take a handshake with poverty to awaken our hearts and minds to the presence of the Father? He paints watercolor sunsets for us each night, yet we rarely choose to sit and watch Him stroke the brush through the sky.

Our minds are set on the things of the world. "Be in the world and not of it," He says. Wasting time, we miss the beauty of a kindred relationship with our Savior and the destiny of our calling God offers so freely each day.

We have replaced Him with idols and empires- empty, hollow dens set out for us as a trap- and we enter them without hesitation. Because of these structures of sin, a numbness is stealthily crafted beneath the surface, essentially causing us to never fully develop a deep intimacy with our Creator. We blindly stunt our spiritual growth through assimilation to our godless culture.

Must we look into the eyes of the broken and dying, desperate and crying in order to break the chains of bondage on our own lives? Our nation gives us a false sense of reality. The truth of the matter is that a majority of the world is currently suffering without knowledge of the hope of Christ.

It is utterly despicable and unacceptable for us, the church, not to teach missional values as the basic principles for Christian living.

Without awareness and action, the church as a body lacks substance and the initiative to spread the gospel as we should. ("Faith without works is dead") The church needs to inspire youth at the elementary stages of spiritual discipleship to proclaim the good news continuously.

Let us leave the monotony of our self-centered lives and turn to the artist of our self-portrait. Lets allow him to orchestrate and teach. If we do, I believe we will begin to bask in the anticipation of the beauty forming on the empty canvas and watch the master paint the Kingdom before our eyes.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

In my fallenness, God, give me eyes to see the good in others.

**I know this is long, but it's from my heart of hearts....Just read it**

For everyone that knows me well, you know that I'm not the angry type. It takes a lot to get me fired up. Maybe I'm a little sensitive at times, but I'm a woman, and I'll be happy to admit that it's part of our nature.

Last night, I had a conversation that made me angry. I was literally yelling on the phone. (Mind you, I'm a very happy girl. I don't like being mean at all.) This friend of mine began bringing up some past mistakes I had made (nothing huge, but stupid decisions, nonetheless), and he basically pointed his finger, accusing me of all sorts of things, making me out to be some type of horrible person. For someone trying so hard to follow the will of God, the last thing I want is for you to...

a) bring up my past
b) tell me I'm average and not worthy of my calling.
c) make me feel guilty for something I've already dealt with emotionally

I know that we are all unworthy of our callings. It's a darn good thing that God doesn't choose us based upon our qualifications, intelligence, and record of sins. But really, is it necessary to attack me in a way that is so harsh and demeaning?

Recently, I spoke with a friend who is very misunderstood. We'll call this friend Ezra, just because I don't like using the names John and Tom like everyone else. Ezra has faced quite a bit in his life... every extreme possible, if you want to know the truth. Many people treat Ezra like I was just treated.

The thing most precious to me about Ezra is that I see him like no one else does. Beyond his dirty past, I look at the spirit that dwells inside of him. Although it continues to battle day by day to break through the rock-solid walls of confusion, bitterness, hurt and self-hatred, the spirit of Christ resides within him and I can see it.

I see the good that most don't. I choose to see it.

I know that I cannot please everyone. What I also recognize is that the fallen eyes of man are selfish, and we choose to see others how we want to see them. Even if they are sinless and perfect humans (although I doubt they exist), if we are not looking at others with eyes of love and forgiveness, we are nurturing a sinful habit. We are disabling our ability to love and acting defiantly towards the instruction of God, which is to love one another.

God doesn't love me because of my past. He doesn't love me because of my future. He just loves me. Regardless of what I have or have not done, how others see me, and the opinions of man, God the Father sees the spirit inside of me that is full of desire to be a faithful disciple.

It's easy to criticize the ones closest to you. What's so sad is that we should be encouraging the ones we're closest to, and we're doing the very opposite. There is strength in the body of Christ (strength in numbers) and that hateful devil is just trying to plant bad seed in our lives to stunt our growth.

There's a big part of me that believes that we are crushing the potential of disciples and drowning the passion for our callings by our lack of edification. Ephesians 4:29 says (NLT),
"Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."

Take time to appreciate someone close to you today. Realize what wealth lies in godly relationships and encouraging words. Don't confuse accountability with criticism We are responsible for strengthening each other through love so that the power of God can be displayed in its fullness through us as will follow his will for our lives.

God, thank you for loving us through our sins and for your redemptive blood you sacrificed for us that we might become sons and daughters of your Kingdom. I ask that you please open the eyes of our hearts so that we may see the manifestation of your nature in those searching after you and also those that are lost. Demolish our arrogance and false self-perceptions of perfection so that as we grow more in you we are helping each other grow through uplifting communion and love. Amen.

Much love. ~K