**UPDATE**: I have moved my blog to www.kpace.wordpress.com Thanks for understanding! :)

these are just a few thoughts of mine that i try to convey to the best of my ability. some i would like to think profound, while others may be simplistic. either way, i'd like to share my excitement with the world on a megaphone if i could, but for now i only have this blog....

For friends and family, feel free to contact me at kristen.pace7@gmail.com

I would love to hear from you!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Abstract Art

**This is something I found that I had written during my trip to Cambodia. I wrote a lot. Some I will share, some I won't. But this is one that I will. :)**

"There is nothing simple about creation. There are only simple minds that lack the appreciation and ability to acknowledge God manifesting his glory through sunsets and waterfalls."

Why does it take a handshake with poverty to awaken our hearts and minds to the presence of the Father? He paints watercolor sunsets for us each night, yet we rarely choose to sit and watch Him stroke the brush through the sky.

Our minds are set on the things of the world. "Be in the world and not of it," He says. Wasting time, we miss the beauty of a kindred relationship with our Savior and the destiny of our calling God offers so freely each day.

We have replaced Him with idols and empires- empty, hollow dens set out for us as a trap- and we enter them without hesitation. Because of these structures of sin, a numbness is stealthily crafted beneath the surface, essentially causing us to never fully develop a deep intimacy with our Creator. We blindly stunt our spiritual growth through assimilation to our godless culture.

Must we look into the eyes of the broken and dying, desperate and crying in order to break the chains of bondage on our own lives? Our nation gives us a false sense of reality. The truth of the matter is that a majority of the world is currently suffering without knowledge of the hope of Christ.

It is utterly despicable and unacceptable for us, the church, not to teach missional values as the basic principles for Christian living.

Without awareness and action, the church as a body lacks substance and the initiative to spread the gospel as we should. ("Faith without works is dead") The church needs to inspire youth at the elementary stages of spiritual discipleship to proclaim the good news continuously.

Let us leave the monotony of our self-centered lives and turn to the artist of our self-portrait. Lets allow him to orchestrate and teach. If we do, I believe we will begin to bask in the anticipation of the beauty forming on the empty canvas and watch the master paint the Kingdom before our eyes.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Let me guess...
The things from your journal that you won't share are all those entries about how being in Cambodia made you realize how much you want to share your life with me, right?
I miss you...