John F. Kennedy once said, "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
I was talking to my granddaddy today about gratitude and how it is one of the most unpracticed virtues of today. When I'm at work, if someone says "thank you", and I can tell that they mean it sincerely, it pushes me continue to give everything I have to accomplish the task at my very best. I understand that some people don't care either way if they are thanked or not in the workplace, but I do know that overall, people care if something they have done is appreciated.
Just imagine for a second if leaders graciously thanked each of their workers for what they've done. I'm talking even the toilet-scrubbing janitors at your office or school. If you thanked them, I'm pretty sure they'd start scrubbing with a little more joy. People naturally want to be appreciated, and if we just started to show a little it would not only boost self-confidence but I believe it would honestly develop a love for each other and also put more of a drive behind what we do.
Now, I'm not only talking about the workplace. I'm talking about our relationships also. How much do we compete with each other? How often do we neglect the things most precious to us? I can say "I love Jesus" all day, but if I live without taking time for him, I am speaking empty words, and he may as well be listening to a loop of audio with dead, repetitious "I love yous" on it.
In the last week, I've had more conflict arise between my friends and me, more distance, and more feelings of being unappreciated than ever before. I'm not sure which it's doing... pushing me farther away and closer to Cambodia or making me want to just sulk in the blankets of isolation and abandonment. I'm trying to move past it and not fight it. If it happens, it hurts... a lot... and I generally want to shrivel up and cry in a corner, but I praise God that he cares for me. There is an indescribable love and appreciation from my heavenly father that surpasses any human's ability to show the same. And from all people, it comes from the one whom I should be appreciating more.
I've developed a new gratitude for my Savior. Unfortunately, I forget to thank him for the things he has given me, for our relationship, for his unconditional love and acceptance. I even forget to pray for my food. I want to mean it when I say "thanks for the food, Lord. bless it. and bless this day," rather than just "thanks God," and not acknowledge the weight of the utterance of my words.
So what's the point of all this? Just don't forget to be thankful. We miss out on so much because we're worried about yesterday or tomorrow but we're not living for today. Lets all remember to live out gratitude rather than just speak it. Our words are empty if actions do not follow behind them. I really believe we make words come to life or we put them to death. I definitely don't want the latter. Recognize what you've been given. I'd hate for someone to die and to have regrets of what I didn't do for them. I'd hate to die and have regrets of not being grateful for Christ. Deepen your relationships (spiritually and interpersonally) through gratitude through words AND most importantly actions.
Make Christianity come to life through your gratitude. We are destined to be different, if we look, talk, walk and act like everyone else then disciples seem a little dull to outsiders. Lets give people a reason to take a second look at who we are because of who He has made us to be.
Today, I am thankful for death. Without it, I couldn't enjoy my favorite season: Autumn. Thank you, God, for the beautiful leaves turning from bright shades of green to warm oranges and yellows. Thank you for giving me this same gift every year. I will never be tired of receiving it.
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