In watching the news on the latest crash and burn from Lehman Brothers and the Bank of America/Merrill Lynch acquisition on Fox News, my grandmother says....
"Cain't nobody buy out Jesus. He is the only secure thing we have."
That's right, Grammy. You tell 'em. He is the only stable thing we have. Isn't that a funny thought? No amount of money can purchase Jesus. Nothing can kill him. Nothing can stop him. No person can tear him down. And to think that we put our faith in so many other things sometimes.
Just let it sink in. It's one of those "my brain hurts" moments if you think about it hard enough. There's absolutely nothing that can take him away from us. Well, glory.
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
5 months ago
It's true...
I have started reading the book of Acts, and it is amazing just reading members of the early Church's testimony to the validity and endurance of the message and divinity of Christ...
Sometimes you gotta love that old time religion...
In regard to one of my latest entries...
Maybe you could try "I hate..." or "I love..."
What about "I Don't/Do Like It When..."
Maybe "It hurts when..."
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