It's so weird that I haven't taken time to write another note. It's not that God hasn't been doing incredible things in my life, because He has, but it's just that I haven't taken the time for it.
This isn't going to be like my other ones. You know, where I get crazy deep sometimes. So much where you are thinking, "is she serious right now?" But... I'm just going to share a thought.
Something that has been pressing on my heart lately is just the lack of interest that people have in the Lord. I don't understand it. I know that I am NOTHING without Him. Yes, I've had to learn it through struggles beyond what most people can even imagine, but I've come to the understanding that if I have it all or have nothing I still need Him more than anything.
It breaks my heart to see those close to me, or even distant friendships, where they can't find a reason to live for God. Even worse than that... It shatters my spirit to see those that go to church, do the whole routine and don't really even bring up God in their daily conversations. They don't want to search for Him because He isn't real. I've always heard "I want relationship not religion" and that's just what people should desire. But how in the world do you make God real to people? How can you convince them that He is worth it?
I just know that my God was so real to people in the Bible that at His very word, they were ready to sacrifice their own daughters and sons, their own lives, their very own reputations (heaven forbid) for a God that was REAL. They believed in Him so much they were willing to risk anything and everything just because He asked.
So I pray that for those of you who haven't found the living God yet, desire Him more. We were created by Him, for Him. So please.... get to know Him.
written 1.9.2008
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